
“The two Handi-Move pool lifts are used extensively”
Non-profit organization SOMIVAL (Sport and Relaxation for Disabled People) from Waregem, Belgium, is a sports club for people with a disability or reduced mobility. SOMIVAL offers several activities such as athletics, wheelchair hockey, boccia, horse riding and swimming. The latter takes place in the swimming pool at sports center De Treffer. To allow smooth and easy access into the pool, the club uses two Handi-Move mobile pool lifts. Lucien De Bels and Carlos Van Lauwe, both committee members of the non-profit organization, are delighted with the equipment.
“We need reliable lift systems”
'De Kade' is a home for adults in Kalmthout. It is part of the CSC Sint-Jozef, the community service center for people with a physical and/or intellectual disability. De Kade has a total of 55 residents, of which 40 live-in and 15 visit the day center. "We would be unable to do our work without the lift systems," says Karl Lardon.

“The lift helps improve the safety of mounting and dismounting our riders.”
Spirit Therapeutic Riding Center 1051 Sorenson Road Ellensburg, WA 98926 www.spirittrc.com

“Taking care of Lenn is easier and faster with the Handi-Move hoist”
Julie Declerq and her husband Pieter Van Gysel live with their infant son Lenn in Oostakker (Flanders, Belgium). 9-year-old Lenn has ‘Spina Bifida’ (he was born with it). Lenn is therefore in a wheelchair. During the day he stays at the institution ‘Ten Dries’, in the evenings and weekends his parents take care of him. Julie and Pieter have adapted their home to Lenn's needs. With the Handi-Move lifting system, the transfers to and from the wheelchair, bed, raised bathtub, drive-in shower and care table are a lot smoother and more ergonomic than lifting Lenn manually.

“Your lifts offer dignity, value and independence to my kids every single day.”
A lot of customers love their SureHands lifts, but it is something special when a customer rises to the level of advocate. That is what we have in Mary Caruso! A mom with two children with Friedreich’s ataxia, it is second nature for Mary to speak up for what she believes in. “We have your lifts in our home since 2005. I remember the day my kids, Sam and Alexandria, sat through multiple demonstrations from the different vendors. They knew immediately that the SureHands lift was for them. To this day they call their lifts the lift with dignity. Those lifts have traveled to college and back home. They have used the lifts independently for many years, through college etc. Currently, they use the lift with assistance. It is so versatile yet lets people maintain dignity.”

“My SureHands lift is the greatest thing since sliced bread”
I have been using a SureHands Lift & Care System for over 20 years, in Connecticut and now in Florida, and it is by far the best lift system out of any of them! The Body Support picks me up so I can move with a lot less work than a sling. A Palm Beach Fire & Rescue worker recognized the difference and told me he thought it was the best system he had seen.

“A sense of independence and confidence in our student”
The SureHandS® lift has not only provided safe and easy transfers but has promoted a sense of independence and confidence in our student.”“Karl Davis is a 13 year old boy who attends seventh grade at Valley Central Middle School. He has a medical diagnosis of Duchenne’s MuscularDystrophy. He negotiates the school environment using a manual wheelchair and with the assistance of a 1:1 Para-professional.

“A speedy service is of the greatest importance for us”
We can let Thomas glide from his living room to the outside, all the way to the swimming pool, and then lower him into the water in one move.

“You’ve given me my life back.”
It’s so nice not to have nurses come in to take care of me anymore… all because of my SureHands® lift system. And, yes, I’m still taking showers for as long as I want even though it’s been seven years since I purchased my lift. Recently I calculated the amount of money I have saved in nursing costs since I got my lift. It’s approximately $250,000. Keep in mind this does not account for inflation; I’m sure they make far more now!!!